Ecological Thought
“When you experience nature with your own body, the quality of the experience really stays with you. It's different from being told what to do in words. I think people are told to conserve nature, not to destroy it, which becomes not to touch it. In that way they shut it out from their experience. They have no interaction with nature. Then when they are faced with nature itself, they don't know how to relate to it and cause destruction, often unintentionally through ignorance. I want to provide a situation where people can physically relate to nature. For me, nature is not an object of beauty, but the beauty is in the relationship the person develops with nature. Through this relationship he/ she gains the instinctive wisdom to make choices that conserve nature. When a person experiences and interacts with the fog or clouds I create, it becomes a part of her/his personal system of relating to nature. It influences his/her future relation to fog and to nature and makes her/him more sensitive to the natural—even geological—processes around her/him.”